
outline of North Dakota with 8 circles in the middle representing the 8 RegionsNorth Dakota has eight distinct regions. North Central North Dakota’s Region 2 is comprised of Bottineau, Burke, McHenry, Mountrail, Pierce, Renville, and Ward Counties. Regional and local leaders from business, arts, education and community were recruited to formulate a roadmap for the development of one site to be the artistic, historical, and cultural representation for the seven counties.

Region 2 Stakeholders met over the course of almost two years to discuss the area’s culture, history, and unique geographical formations.

CURRENT STATUS: Nicole and Alan Milligan of The Milligan Studio are finalizing the design.

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Head and shoulders of Alan (salt and pepper bear and short hair with black-rimmed round glasses) and Nicole (shoulder-length straight blonde/grey hair) Milligan smiling in front of a glass dish cabinetThe award-winning Milligan Studio has created Public Art in collaboration with communities in the United States, United Kingdom, and EU, specifically Ireland and Paris, for more than a decade. The husband-and-wife partnership have studios in St Paul, Minnesota and Belfast, N. Ireland. Samples of their work in glass can be found in The Corning Museum of Glass.

Sculptor Alan Milligan began his career as a muralist and is well-known for the Samuel Beckett Chess Set, which was commissioned by the writer’s estate and exhibited throughout Ireland. Historian, visual artist, and Yaddo Fellow Nicole Mary Milligan began her professional career with North Dakota’s Artist in the Schools Program. Writing as N.M. Kelby, she is also the critically acclaimed author of eight poetic literary novels, including the New York Times bestseller, In The Company Of Angels. She has been translated into 21 languages worldwide.

Distinguished graduates from Bath Spa University, one of Europe’s premier Visual Art Colleges, the two have received grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, Bush Foundation, PEN America, Jerome Foundation, and both the Florida and Minnesota State Arts Boards.

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Proposed Design

Artist rendering of a huge colorful grey feather arching over green prairie grasslands with a partly cloudy sky aboveIn their proposal, Alan and Nicole wrote, "we offer a joyous and welcoming sculptural installation of feather form and sky colors in steel and shatter-resistant glass. This monumental sculpture is a celebration of life lived amidst Living Waters and Painted Skies.”

The Milligans explained, "<This design> takes the form of a glacier-scaled feather, a reminder of the waterfowl that migrate to the nearby Prairie Potholes, the geological anomaly formed by the glaciers themselves. If you look closely, the top of this 'feather' is an abstract of a dream-filled cloud sky. Slightly underneath is the same image in a lighter shade, designed to read as a reflection of the sky, just as clouds themselves are reflected in water. <This> unique design invites all to stand underneath its welcoming horizon and become drenched in color and light as they look across the vast vista and imagine a time before.”

"The striking image of a vibrant feather is created by installing a series of smaller glass panels into a large scale 'feather' frame. Each of the smaller panels are sections of a mural of the local sky. As <the work> is a 'structural glacier,' and glaciers always hold artifacts of the people who have lived before, the glass element of the sculpture will be informed by local artists who will be invited to create textural images that celebrate the people and things of this place.”

*Final design to be determined.

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Cultural Heritage

In seeking a location to best represent the cultural heritage and distinct landscapes of Region 2, the Stakeholders were repeatedly drawn to sites with "prairie potholes" -- a unique northern Midwest feature created by the shifting and moving of glaciers that once covered the region. In north central North Dakota, the prairie potholes have become vital havens and habitats for a wide variety of freshwater and migratory life, supporting more than 50% of North America’s waterfowl. Ultimately, the Stakeholder group selected a swath of land containing two such prairie potholes, located at the Heartland Bison Ranch. 

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Installation Site

The artwork will be located at the Heartland Bison Ranch, south of Balta in Pierce County.

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NDCA Board Member, Lead Contact

  • Linda Olson, Studio Arts Professor, Minot State University; President of the American Rock Art Research Association (Ward County)

Bottineau County

  • Aimee Erdman, 21st Century After School Project Director, North Central Education Cooperative 
  • Erika Hamilton, Disability Services Coordinator and Instructor, Dakota College at Bottineau
  • Leah Johnson, Professional Development Specialist, North Central Education Cooperative & Adjunct Professor, Dakota College at Bottineau
  • Katie Saykally, School Improvement Specialist, North Central Education Cooperative

Burke County

  • Courtney Halverson, Art Instructor, Kenmare High; International Music Camp participant

McHenry County

  • Terry Peterson, The Aggie Foundation
  • Rhonda Weninger, Student, Minot State University, Art Teacher, Lewis & Clark School District
    Mountrail County
  • Thomas Nash, New Town City Council
  • Chuck Repnow, Writer, Minot Daily

Pierce County

  • The Leier Family, Heartland Bison Ranch
  • Sue Sitter, Options Counselor, Aging Services Division, Health and Human Services, State of North Dakota

Renville County

  • Chantel Southam, Board Member, ND Community Foundation; CPA 

Ward County

  • Rachel Alfaro, Executive Director, Taube Museum 
  • Susana Amundarain, Painter and Adjunct Professor at Minot State University
  • Justin Anderson, Executive Director, Minot Area Council on the Arts
  • Ellen Fenner, Executive Director, Minot Symphony Association
  • Cera Pignet, Freelance Graphic Designer
  • Amanda Schlieman, Velva High School Art Teacher and Board President, Taube Museum of Art
  • Rob Thomas-Suwall, Surgeon, Trinity Hospital
  • Eric Thomas-Suwall, Political Philosopher, Self-Employed
  • Greg Vettel, Director, Northwest Arts Center, Minot State University
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The Region 2 project is made possible with funding from North Dakota Commerce, a private foundation, and individual donations. Funds continue to be raised regionally and nationally. The statewide Arts Across the Prairie: Placemaking in Rural North Dakota program is in collaboration with North Dakota Department of Transportation (ND-DOT), North Dakota Commerce/Tourism, and the ND State Legislature.

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